Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Subterranean Homesick Engineer

It's a slow wednesday. Im blogging from the office because the work is done..alright, not done - I've done most of it but I'm stuck at this one point where the diagram refuses to show and its completely aggravating...

not the point...

I'm not quite sure what the point is, actually. Im working for a company that doesnt pay me, without a degree in my hands(for the time being) and with only a rough idea of what I want to do in life...yet somehow, in general, I feel alright. I think the system's made me immune to overthinking things. College was like that- barely studying for the internals, somehow scraping through the end-sems(yeah, I did give a re-appars, but I can honestly say it wasn't because of, im not a blame-thrower...leave!), conjuring projects and assignments out of thin air(read, the world wide web, coupled with the fancy boys at nehru place and/or gafaar market). Four years just made me accustomed to the "ho jaaega" frame of mind...Just makes me worship Pink Floyd even more for having coming up with being "comfortably numb"...I'll stop ranting now..

I hate being in the office and not having anything to do. I'd rather just do that at home, at least there I can waste my time away in the comfort of my bed rather than a lousy, revolving chair.

But hey! I found out NTU doesnt require work ex, so plan A is, for all practical purposes, back on track :D
I just need to start studying for the GRE......tiny techinicality if you ask me. Though, I really should stop going out as much as I do on the weekends, thats the only time I have to study 'coz there is no way in hell I'm studying AFTER work! Mind-numbing-ness will reach great, new heights if that happens and I really could do without that for now.


P.S How in the world do I get more people to read all of this?!


  1. spread the world on facebook, and comment on lots of other blogs. Zat is how we do, yeow.

  2. @poe, danke :)

    @M, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. And in the real world, we call people like me, chumps :)

  3. you r somewht successful laksh...atleast made me read it..coz im as vella as u..:)(getting paid bt for no wrk)

  4. sigh...i miss those days when i used to get paid for no work...
